

夜市不只是台灣人民買東西、吃東西的地方,已經成為我們生活的一部分,也是觀光客到訪必要的行程之一!Night markets in Taiwan are not just places to buy things to eat and drink and wear. They are also an essential part of nightlife for many Taiwanese people. Vendors selling popular snacks gather in the streets and jam into the alleys of the night markets, selling delicious food at good prices as part of the unforgettable experience of the night market. Today the night market has gradually come to serve as sort of a "mini-carnival" in the daily lives of the people of Taiwan.


 black 是大家都熟悉的字,很多俚語片語不知道是否也看過呢?
black and white黑白分明 也常用來表示「黑白分明」、「沒有模糊地帶的狀況」。例句:In real life, the balck-and-white situations seldom exist.在現實生活中很少有絕對非黑即白的情形
例句:My boss always sees everything in black and white.我的老闆總是看事情不是黑就是白
 In black and white 白紙黑字 非常清楚
This contract is in black and white: we are not allowed to sell our items to other distributors.條約白紙黑字


2012年是中國人最喜歡的龍年,預計繼百年結婚潮,也會帶來龍年生子潮 。

有關12生肖英文怎麼說?12 Chinese Zodiac Animals 或是 Chinese Zodiac Signs

the Chinese Zodiac, is a scheme that relates each year to an animal according to a 12-year cycle. 

Right Here Waiting

Richard Marx於1989年美國Billboard流行榜冠軍的經典Right Here Waiting
歌很好聽,,歌詞也不難 ~~
Oceans apart day after day 隔海相思,日復一日
And I slowly go insane 我逐漸陷入瘋狂
I hear your voice on the line 在電話裡聽著你的聲音
But it doesn't stop the pain 但那不能療傷止痛
If I see you next to never 如果永遠見不到你
How can we say forever 我倆還談什麼天長地久
Wherever you go 無論你去了哪裡?
Whatever you do 不管你做了什麼?
I will be right here waiting for you 我都會在此為你等候

賈柏斯Steve.Jobs 2005speech(中英字幕)


Winter Solstice is one of the 24 solar terms in China. The date of the winter solstice will fall on around December 22 each year. The sun appears directly overhead on the Tropic of Capricorn, ( or Southern tropic) on this day. so it is t the shortest day, longest night for the northern hemisphere. In Taiwan there is the custom of eating rice balls served in soup on Winter Solstice, which means getting one year older.



二十四節氣 The 24 Solar Terms:
立春 Spring begins. (1st solar term) Feb.3,4, or 5
雨水 The rains. Feb.18,19 or 20
驚蟄 Insects awaken. Mar.5,6, or 7
春分 Vernal Equinox Mar.20,21 or 22
清明 Clear and bright. Apr.4,5 or 6
谷雨 Grain rain. Apr.19,20 or 21
立夏 Summer begins. May 5,6 or 7
小滿 Grain buds. May 20,21 or 22
芒種 Grain in ear. Jun.5,6 or 7


但是「一副撲克牌」在英文中的說法卻是 a deck of cards
撲克牌的四種花色稱為suits,字根su表示follow(跟隨):同一種花色的牌,由Ace,King,QueenJack是連續的(one following another)。這四種花色依大小分別是:


Meeting the President was a great thrill. 


" * "star (口語中用的多) 或是 asterisk (較正式)
" # "pound sign (口語中用的較多) 或是 number sign 

鍵盤上符號英文 Symbol
 ~      Tilde (取代符號)
‵ prime上撇號;(計時的)分號;英尺號;重音符號
!       Exclamation point (驚歎號)
@     At sign, at (At 符號,At)
#   Pound sign (井字號)