

 black 是大家都熟悉的字,很多俚語片語不知道是否也看過呢?
black and white黑白分明 也常用來表示「黑白分明」、「沒有模糊地帶的狀況」。例句:In real life, the balck-and-white situations seldom exist.在現實生活中很少有絕對非黑即白的情形
例句:My boss always sees everything in black and white.我的老闆總是看事情不是黑就是白
 In black and white 白紙黑字 非常清楚
This contract is in black and white: we are not allowed to sell our items to other distributors.條約白紙黑字

 black humor黑色幽默 所謂黑色幽默是指帶有死亡、病態暗示的喜劇手法。

例句:This is a comedy characterized by black humor. 這部喜劇是用用黑色幽默刻劃角色

◎ black market黑市,地下交易
You can change U.S Dollar for a much higher rate on the black market. 你可以在黑市用好的匯率買美金

Black out眼前一片漆黑,不省人事,
例句:The bleeding soldier blacked out when he saw an ambulance approaching. 這個流著血的士兵看到救護車開過來的時候就昏過去了。
例句: The government decided to have a blackout regarding the political prisoner.  

◎ blackout一個字,指的是「停電」或「燈火管制」
例句: There is a blackout in our factory. (=There is a power outage in our factory.) 停電

 go black (指失去知覺)眼前一黑。 
  black sheep黑羊;敗家子;害群之馬
牧羊人要的是白羊,因為這種羊毛可以染色成各種顏色賣錢,而黑羊的羊毛沒那麼多的運用,因此也被認為是不受歡迎的。甚至,英文中有這麼一句諺語說 There’s a black sheep in every flock.。後來black sheep引申出來的用法就經常和in the family連用,表示「家裡最沒出息的一個」。
例句:He brought disgrace to the family and therefore was considered a black sheep. (他使家族蒙羞,因此被認為是個敗家子。)

  black tie黑領結;正式的 在正式的場合,男士要打黑領結,所以black tie一詞便成為「正式」的代名詞。
例句:It’s going to be a black-tie dinner, so come in formal wear. 這會是很正式的晚宴,所以請穿著正式的服裝出席。
例句: The award ceremony for the movie awards was a black-tie affair.

例句:The professor did not win tenure because he was blackballed by some of his colleagues. 這位教授沒有獲得正式資格,因為有幾位同事投反對票。
The businessman was blackballed in the industry because of his bad business practices. 這個商人因為不良的操作,因此受到同業的排擠

  blacklist黑名單 這個字的意思和中文一樣,不過它除了當名詞以外,也可以當動詞用。
例句:The company is being blacklisted by several environment groups because it does not have a recycling program. 這家公司被幾個環保團體列入黑名單,因為它沒有參與資源回收。
例句: The sports federation blacklisted the swimmer because he was using steroids.

 blackmail勒索 字面意思是「黑函」,引申為「勒索」,當名詞或動詞用皆可。
例句:The boss was blackmailed by his secretary into giving her a raise because she knows too many of his secrets.這個老闆被祕書勒索,只好給她加薪,因為她知道他太多祕密了。 

  in the black有盈餘 黑色則代表有盈餘。 紅色代表赤字,也就是虧損。 in the red 。 black figure是正在盈利的意思
例句:Amazon.com claims that its core businesses will soon be in the black.亞馬遜網站宣稱它的核心事業不久就會有盈餘。
例句: Our company has been in the black since they began to cut costs. 

  the pot calling the kettle black五十步笑百步
例句:That communist country’s condemnation of North Korea’s human rights record is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.那個共產國家譴責北韓的人權紀錄,真是五十步笑百步。
例句: My friend criticized me for not changing jobs but that is like the pot calling the kettle black. She will not change jobs either.  

  Give someone a black look 給某人擺臉色  Black look 是“白眼”   怒視某人 
例句:Why is he giving me such a black look?"
例句: The boy is in his girlfriend's black books because he was late for their date.
     in sb's black books 受某人輕視;失去某人之好感。

  Black spot 危險區 
例句:his roundabout is a black spot for traffic accidents."

  Black and blue 瘀青
例句: When she fell off her bicycle, she was black and blue for days.

  black letter days倒楣的日子 ,在日曆上大部分日子都是用黑體字寫的,但它不是“平常的日子”,而是表示“倒楣的日子。 

  call white black/call black white 混淆是非
  black money 黑錢(指來源不正當而且沒有向政府報稅的錢)
◎  Black Friday 耶穌受難日,不吉利的星期五 
◎  Black lie 用心險惡的諾言
◎  be in a black mood : 陰鬱的,情緒低落的
  as black as a skillet - very black 非常黑
例句: My hands were as black as a skillet when I finished working on the car engine.

  as black as a stack of black cats - very black
例句: The little boy was as black as a stack of black cats after playing outside all day.

  as black as a sweep - very dirty or black (a chimney sweep cleans chimneys and becomes very black)
例句:My friend was as black as a sweep after he finished cleaning the basement.

  as black as coal - very black
例句: My friend's cat is as black as coal.

  as black as night - very dark and black
例句: The old house was as black as night when we entered it.

  as black as pitch - very black
例句: My face was as black as pitch after cleaning the stove all morning.

  pitch-black - very black, as black as pitch
例句: The road was pitch-black and we could not see anything. 

 as black as the ace of spades - very black
例句: The horse in the parade was as black as the ace of spades.

 black box 飛機上紀錄飛行紀錄的黑盒子
例句:  The investigators searched for a long time in order to find the black box of the airplane.

 black eye  黑眼圈; 被打得發青的眼圈
例句:  The man received a black eye when he bumped into the closed door.

 black and tan (terrier) 黑褐相間的梗犬 
 Of the blackest dye---極端的
 Not as black as it is painted---不像所說的那麼壞
 紅茶”其實是“black tea
 black stranger 是指完全陌生的人。 
◎ black art: 妖術 
 Black dog 忘恩負義的人
 黑馬不是用black horse,而是dark horse。(出乎意料地被提名或當選的)"黑馬"候選人
例句:A dark horse candidate came from behind to win the elections. 那位候選員在此次選舉中, 脫穎而出, 意外當選。

  勃然大怒 Go black in the face.
例句: 老闆面對這份報告勃然大怒。The boss goes black in the face while reading the report.
 同義: 大發雷霆 Explode with rage.
 反義: 啞然失笑 Burst out laughing.


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